Jungian Analysis

That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate.
C.G. Jung

There is a thinking in primordial images, in symbols which are older than the historical man, which are inborn in him from the earliest times, eternally living, outlasting all generations, still make up the groundwork of the human psyche. It is only possible to live the fullest life when we are in harmony with these symbols; wisdom is a return to them.
C.G. Jung

Peering through the cosmic sphere
by Camille Flammarion

One-on-one Jungian Analysis is psychotherapy plus. Our method looks back carefully, while also boldly looking forward. C.G. Jung realized that we also become troubled when we fail to recognize and release previously unknown parts of our psyche when the time is right. Yes! There is always more for us to know about ourselves and share with the world. Assuredly, we continue our growth toward wholeness until our physical death. Perhaps your unhappiness is because you are bored, stagnant, with your creative juices frozen. You may feel stuck, stuck-fast in yesterday, but now seek a fresh horizon to engage you.

In analysis we understand our individual typology. You may be familiar with the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. This widely employed instrument is based on Jung’s discovery of Introversion and Extraversion and the four ways of perceiving the world: through sensation, thinking, feeling, or intuition. Not understanding our typology can make us feel incompetent and out-of-step or out-of-place with the world. Understanding our typology can be like a jubilee celebration of homecoming and send us forth enthusiastically knowing that our particular way of being, seeing, and doing is required for the health of our family and community.

Because Jungians believe that the unconscious is a source of direction and healing, we seek to forge a living, productive relationship with our unconscious. That is why we hold in high esteem the images that spontaneously arise in dreams, preoccupations, and daytime fantasies. These images offer us an objective perspective of where we are one-sided or off course, as well as who we might become. Spending quality time with these gifts from our unconscious, the life-giving sea of our lives, provides us with trail markers to guide us and the energy to get up and go.

In analysis we may explore your dreams. Jung said, “In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves.” Our dreams offer correction when we are off center. The images we see in dreams help us to reimagine ourselves with a larger perspective, so we can live boldly into our potential.

In analysis we will become familiar with some of the primary movers of your life: your persona, anima/animus, and shadow. For instance, our shadow carries our darker side, the worst of us that we disavow. The people we most hate often bear our denied shadow aspects. In analysis we come to know, accept, and relate to our shadow so we do not act it out unconsciously. In this way we can help minimize the pain we bring to our world. Importantly, our shadow also holds treasure, desirable and life-giving parts of our personality that has been lost to parental or cultural censure. Notice that in the client active imagination painting shown here the Shadow is holding a gold bag. Getting to know our shadow also introduces us to unsuspected positive parts of our personality that we can celebrate.

Client active imagination painting of the Shadow

Lion Man, client painting of dream image

Symbols, personal to ourselves as some of our dream images, or universal as those found across cultures in myths and fairy tales, connect the conscious and unconscious parts of our psyche. For example, the lion-man shown here was drawn from a dream by a shy, reticent individual experiencing his more powerful self for the first time. Having a conversation with your dream figures, by way of writing to them or painting them, or even a turn at the sand-tray table, are tools available to those who are so inclined. The unconscious is bristling with unknown but potent parts of our psyche longing to be welcomed by us. When we give them hospitality, they enlarge us.

Jungians by nature offer multiple therapeutic avenues. You are unique so our analytic endeavor will be unique.
